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Softraid 5 5 5 – High Quality Raid Management

RAID 5 is one of the most outstanding choices that a computer user can make for their home based system. While it is very plain to setup RAID 0 and 1, there is complexity involved in RAID 5 setup. RAID 5, as we know is basically set up to ensure the redundancy of data in your system. Here I will guide you how to create software RAID 5 on Windows 8.1 and 10.

  1. Softraid Raid 10
  2. Softraid 5 5 5 – High Quality Raid Management System
  3. Softraid 5
  4. Softraid 5 5 5 – High Quality Raid Management Software

SoftRAID is now available for Windows, maximizing drive capacity, protecting against data loss and offering faster performance. OWC announces the release of SoftRAID Lite and Lite XT for Windows.This is the first time SoftRAID is available for Windows users, who now have a cross-platform solution and can share RAID volumes between OSes. SoftRAID 5 RAID Utility S. Has been added to your Cart. 4.0 out of 5 stars Great software, high cost. But overall a useful application for data management.

Softraid Raid 10

There are a number of options for a computer user to create RAID for redundancy of data. However, RAID 5 has its own features and importance, and that’s why we need this RAID 5 so much for our own system. Setting up RAID 5 is kind of a complex task for anyone. You can do this in Windows 8.1 and 10 a bit easily.

How to create RAID 5 on Windows 8.1 and 10

Softraid 5 5 5 – High Quality Raid Management System

We can create both RAID 5 and RAID 1 on Windows 8.1 and 10. You would need two drives for RAID 1 and three or more than three hard drives for RAID 5. So depending on the number of drives, if you have less than three drives with you. You can’t create RAID 5 on your system and you have to go for RAID 1. Although, if you want to create RAID 5, you must have three or more than three hard drives with you.
To create RAID 5, you need three or more than hard drives, all of the same capacity. These hard drives should exclude the computer’s hard drive or the drive of the OS.


SoftRAID 5.8.3 is a free update to users SoftRAID 5.0 and later. After the free trial SoftRAID can be purchased at or The SoftRAID team has been producing high quality applications for over 20 years. Tech Support for SoftRAID 5 Included at no additional cost with your ThunderBay purchase. SoftRAID 5 for ThunderBay Utilize extra capabilities such as drive monitoring, e-mail notifications, plus other advanced features and RAID mode support. Having an all-flash storage array set up for RAID 5 provides substantial performance gains compared to a HDD array. Hardware RAID vs Software RAID: Which is better? The type of RAID best suits data backup needs will vary from system to system. Hardware RAID is more common in Windows Server environments, wherein its advantages are better realized.


The other conditions for RAID 5 creation would be the drives have to be unformatted. There can be different capacity drives to create the RAID. In such cases, the whole RAID setup will be dominated by the disk with least capacity. So it is recommended to avoid using different sized hard drives.

Check Formatting of Drives One of the most important thing to keep in mind should be the unformatted drives. In order to check that and confirm, you have to go for disk management.

Make sure you are logged in as the administrator

Go to Run window – Press Windows + R

Type in ‘diskmgmt.msc’

Office 2010 on macbook air. All the drives that you need must be Unallocated.

If there is a partition in any of them, you can delete the drive, but make sure that the data is backed up. After backing up Right click on that Drive and Click “Delete Volume”. Your drive is unallocated now and it can be used for RAID 5.

Creating Storage

To manage the storage for RAID 5, you have to go to the storage option in the control panel. Since you have the facility to search the window.

Softraid 5

Go to search and type ‘storage space’ – it will display the storage spaces in the system.

You will find a hyperlink saying ‘create a new pool and storage space’.

This command will make the system search for the unformatted drives automatically. This is why we deleted the volumes earlier.

After the system detects the unformatted drives we can change the drive letter and format as per our convenience. In the resiliency type, select Parity, it will be followed by storage space declaration.

Softraid 5 5 5 – High Quality Raid Management Software

In size, make the display shows the storage space capacity. To know the array capacity, we have to go through some calculation. Take the smallest disk capacity, multiply it by the number of drives minus one. So, for 3 two TB hard disks, the array capacity would be {2*(3-1)}.

Press the OK button to finish the creation of RAID 5 on your system. Mach desktop 3 0 42.

Finally, I would say that creating a RAID 5 for your system is one of the best things to secure the data. It is a complex thing to understand, but its capability to maintain the data redundancy is outstanding. In cases of failure, the data can be regained easily with certain troubleshooting steps. If the issues go grave, there are some amazing software to recover RAID arrays on Windows. so the initial step to safeguard your work is to create a RAID 5 in your system.

Softraid 5 5 5 – High Quality Raid Management
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